Cs lewis biography powerpoint assignment

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    Cs lewis biography powerpoint assignment

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  • S. Lewis Biography

    C. S. Lewis: Minibiography and Author’s Bibliography

    by Dr. Bruce Edwards

    Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland on November 29, 1898, Clive Staples (“Jack”) Lewis was reared in a peculiarly bookish home, one in which the reality he found on the pages of the books within his parents’ extensive library seemed as tangible and meaningful to him as anything that transpired outside their doors.

    As adolescents, Lewis and his older brother, Warren, were more at home in the world of ideas and books of the past, than with the material, technological world of the 20th Century. When the tranquillity and sanctity of the Lewis home was shattered beyond repair by the death of his mother when he was ten, Lewis sought refuge in composing stories and excelling in scholastics.

    Soon thereafter he became precociously oriented toward the metaphysical and ultimate questions.

    The rest of his saga and the particulars of his writing career might be seen as the melancholy search for