Biography of boysie singh trinidad
Biography of boysie singh trinidad today!
Biography of boysie singh trinidad
Boysie Singh 20th Century Pirate of the Caribbean
"BOYSIE SINGH? I was a small boy at the time but I remember it well, the whole town turned out for his funeral," reminisced Renrick Nick of TIDCO when I mentioned I was thinking of writing about one of the most, if not the most notorious thief, pander, arsonist, gambler, pirate, smuggler, mass murderer in the history of Trinidad in next edition Sunday’s Newsday.
If they have heard his name or heard tell of his fame, for many young and even middle-aged people Boysie Singh is an old, old story; his crimes pale before the gang-and drug-related murders reported almost daily in the national press.
Yet it’s said Boysie Singh once held the world record for the number of murders he was believed to have committed — far more, so it would seem, than any gang leader or drug baron today.
How many of us passing Number 17, Luis Street, in Woodbrook realise we are going past the birthplace of a cold-blooded mass murderer whose crimes are lis