Emmanuel pierre antoine and joanna zacharewicz kevin
Emmanuel pierre antoine and joanna zacharewicz kevin gates.
A native of Haiti and considered to be one of International Haitian Icon. Emmanuel, is the first black man to win as Champion for both the United States and World in the category of American Rhythm as a Professional Ballroom Dance Competitor.
Emmanuel pierre antoine and joanna zacharewicz kevin
He trained in jazz, modern, Haitian folklore, and Ballroom Dance for over 17 years. He was also named as Haiti’s official dance representative, locally and abroad by the International Dance Organization (IDO).
In January 2003, concentrate on his dance career in the dance in New York City, where he not only competed professionally but also started competing with several of his students in Pro-Am divisions in the International Style Latin and Standard, American Rhythm and American Smooth styles.
Soon after, Emmanuel met Joanna Zacharewicz at Stepping Out Studios in NYC, where they started training together, soon becoming elite instructors, dancers, and performers. They competed for two years in the American Rhythm division, becoming 2005 World M