Ariana richards born free a new adventure
Ariana richards born free a new adventure movie
Geoffrey keen...
Born Free: A New Adventure
1996 American TV series or program
Born Free: A New Adventure is a 1996 American televisionadventure film starring Jonathan Brandis and Ariana Richards.
The film was written by John McGreevey and directed by Tommy Lee Wallace. It was first aired on ABC on April 27, 1996. The film was shot entirely in South Africa.
Two teenagers, Rand and Val, rescue a young lioness that has been tamed by hunters.
Ariana richards born free a new adventure
Now, they have to teach the lioness how to survive in the wild.
In 1960, Joy Adamson published a book called Born Free, based on her (and her husband, George Adamson) experience raising the lioness Elsa.
The book was followed by two others, Living Free (1961) and Forever Free (1963).
Carole Horst from Variety magazine wrote: "Brandis and Richards (“Jurassic Park”) make a cute couple, and Noth and Purl do their best with the thin characters given them.
Director Tommy Lee Wallace does keep things goin