Antonio vivaldi composer biography kids

  • Antonio vivaldi composer biography kids
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    Antonio vivaldi composer biography kids

  • Caricatureby P. L. Ghezzi, Rome (1723)
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  • Meet Antonio Vivaldi | Composer Biography for Kids -

    Learn about Italian composer, Antonio Vivaldi, with a popsicle stick theater production from the Music Academy.

    It's one of many online piano lesson resources for kids that we've created to make learning fun.

    Meet Antonio Vivaldi | Composer Biography for Kids (Lesson Transcript)

    Meet Antonio Vivaldi.

    Antonio Vivaldi was born on March 4, 1678 in Venice, Italy.

    Antonio’s father was a barber and a professional violinist.

    He taught Antonio to play the violin, and he practiced very hard. Soon Antonio and his father were performing together and touring Venice.

    When Antonio turned 15, he decided to become a priest and began his training. At the age of 25, he was ordained and was referred to as Il Prete Rosso, which means "The Red Priest." He got that nickname because of his red hair.

    In 1703 Vivaldi was invited to teach violin lessons at Ospedale della Pietà, an orphanage that taugh